Friday, January 11, 2013


Today was a REALLY long day… Orientation started at 9 and lasted until about 3:45. As many students as possible cramped into the Union (the big lecture hall on the ship) and we all listened to the captain and other student line people talk about health/safety and life on the ship. It was really amusing to look around the room, because everyone was sleeping (or listening with their eyes closed). There is something about that room combined with the rocking of the ship that makes everyone nauseous and tired. I definitely was one of those people listening with my eyes shut. Looking at the person who was speaking and the stage curtains move back and forth as the ship rocked was awful! I was standing in line this evening signing up for clubs and the ship hit a giant wave, I ended up falling backwards into this wicked tall guy. I guess that is one way to meet a guy!
Speaking of clubs, I signed up for indoor soccer, dodge ball, basketball, yoga/fitness classes, and some spiritual yoga/mediation club. Oh! And I also signed up for this lifelong learner extended family. Basically, there are these adults on the ship who are lifetime learners, and about 2 to I think 6 students are assigned to a group of lifelong learners and you eat dinner with them every once in a while. It is like having a family right on the ship. Don’t worry Mom and Dad; I’m not replacing you J
Both my roommate and I have yet to unpack our stuff. At least she has the excuse of being seasick… I’ve just been avoiding finding a place for everything and I’ve been busy.
It is weird to think that this constant movement of the ship is going to become “normal” after 106 days. And even with getting my sea legs, I’m having a blast. I’ve met some really good friends. One of the girls I met on the bus, Andrea, we are planning on trying to sit with different people at breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Today, we actually had a bunch of different people sit with us for dinner. Two lifelong learners sat with us and it was really interesting to learn about their program. The man, Bruce, grew up in Newton and went to Boston University and his first girlfriend was from Sudbury. Seriously crazy how small, yet big the world is.
While the rest of you are living life with only 24 hours a day, we are getting an extra hour, since we are constantly changing time zones. Which is perfect since tomorrow is the first day of classes!!

Mom and Dad--I’m still trying to get the hang of this whole Internet thing since it doesn’t exactly want to work on my computer. There is a huge line with IT to get their internet and email accounts working, and I don’t want to wait, so bare with me. I’ll be in touch soon. Just know that I’m having a blast and you are serious the best parents in the world

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